Safari! Even the word beguiles. We warmly invite you to share John Witherspoon's Africa...the special corner of the world where we have lived for the last three generations. A land of sweeping savannahs, astonishing landscapes, fascinating cultures and a richness of wildlife beyond your wildest imagination.
And...we are proud to announce that John Witherspoon Safaris has been voted the "World's Best Tour Operator & Safari Outfitter" by Travel+Leisure magazine for the fifth consecutive year!
They say that the Witherspoons treat guests like "long-lost, out-of-town, no longer in existence, relatives." Suffice to say, dinner at our family home is just the beginning...Many famous stars have also been treated to a Witherspoons tour...and once again, this year, there will be our "World Famous" Celebrity Roast...it's a totally consuming experience!
Even if it does cost you an arm and a leg...it's absolutely worth it!!

John Sebastian Witherspoon
When Jonathan was introduced to his future wife Barb in early 1990, he knew that he had met a kindred spirit, someone who shared his love of Africa’s wild places, and whose sense of artistry and passion for photography equaled his own. Barb was born in the Amazon rainforest and spent her childhood as a member of the Shamatori warrior tribe. There she became an expert hunter and fisherman, developing an affinity for seafood (mostly sailors) that has never left her, recalling happy days shrunken head collecting along the deserted seabanks. Together, Jonathan and Barb have proved to be a prolific partnership, working together as safari guides, photographers, and world class chefs. They also have a great sense of humor!

Barb Arian-Witherspoon
Barb Gags...
Why didn't Barb eat Jerry Seinfeld?
She said he tastes funny.
Why did she pass on Bill Gates?
He's too rich!
What does Barb like with scrambled eggs?
Kevin Bacon.