WestCorp & Mermaid Cruise Lines Application Guidelines
WestCorp/Mermaid Cruise Lines have instituted a quarterly application and review
process for requests of grant funding, sponsorships or cruise donations.
A non-profit organization seeking company support should submit a 1-2-page letter outlining the mission of the organization and explaining the request (including date of event, if applicable) along with a copy of their 501(c)(3) letter. The proposal letters must be postmarked or faxed by the due date. At this time we are not accepting requests via e-mail. Please do not include originals of any kind that you will need back, as we are not able to return any portion of your submission request. These requests are considered 3 to 6 months before distribution to be able to give ample notification of funding decisions. The following table lists the quarterly due dates and distribution periods for the remainder of the 2007-2008 giving cycle. Please submit your proposal at the appropriate time. Early applications will be filed until the appropriate time and are not preferentially treated.
Out corporate giving policy is to fund organizations that benefit and offer services to the entire community. Therefore, we support only registered non-profit organizations that offer non-sectarian services to the community at large.
In order to maximize our impact in the communities we serve, the company has chosen to focus support in three priority areas:
1) Children and Families (We give to programs/groups geared to reach the undeserved in our communities; this does not include health-related causes. Please see guidelines below for more details on eligibility.)
2) Education (We give to programs/groups that benefit as large a student group as possible, such as an entire school district, city, state or nation; this does not include individual schools/PTOs/PTAs. Please see guidelines below for more details on eligibility.)
3) Marine Conservation (We give to programs/groups committed to promoting sound environmental practices in the Marine world or enhancing environmental education programs in schools and the communities; this does not include reseach grants. Please see guidelines below for more details on eligibility.)
We concentrate the majority of our giving in the port communities where we sail, especially Florida, the Caribbean, New York/New Jersey, Alaska, and Fresno, California.
For more information, please contact:
Penny Royal
Manager, Community Relations
WestCorp/Mermaid Cruise Lines
4546 E. Ashlan Ave., Suite 3202
Fresno, CA 93726
Office: (555) 555-1212
Fax: (555) 555-1234
A non-profit organization seeking company support should submit a 1-2-page letter outlining the mission of the organization and explaining the request (including date of event, if applicable) along with a copy of their 501(c)(3) letter. The proposal letters must be postmarked or faxed by the due date. At this time we are not accepting requests via e-mail. Please do not include originals of any kind that you will need back, as we are not able to return any portion of your submission request. These requests are considered 3 to 6 months before distribution to be able to give ample notification of funding decisions. The following table lists the quarterly due dates and distribution periods for the remainder of the 2007-2008 giving cycle. Please submit your proposal at the appropriate time. Early applications will be filed until the appropriate time and are not preferentially treated.
January-March, 2008 | October 6, 2007 | End of October |
April-June, 2008 | January 4, 2008 | End of January |
July-September, 2008 | April 4, 2008 | End of April |
October-December, 2008 | July 4, 2008 | End of July |
Out corporate giving policy is to fund organizations that benefit and offer services to the entire community. Therefore, we support only registered non-profit organizations that offer non-sectarian services to the community at large.
In order to maximize our impact in the communities we serve, the company has chosen to focus support in three priority areas:
1) Children and Families (We give to programs/groups geared to reach the undeserved in our communities; this does not include health-related causes. Please see guidelines below for more details on eligibility.)
2) Education (We give to programs/groups that benefit as large a student group as possible, such as an entire school district, city, state or nation; this does not include individual schools/PTOs/PTAs. Please see guidelines below for more details on eligibility.)
3) Marine Conservation (We give to programs/groups committed to promoting sound environmental practices in the Marine world or enhancing environmental education programs in schools and the communities; this does not include reseach grants. Please see guidelines below for more details on eligibility.)
We concentrate the majority of our giving in the port communities where we sail, especially Florida, the Caribbean, New York/New Jersey, Alaska, and Fresno, California.
For more information, please contact:
Penny Royal
Manager, Community Relations
WestCorp/Mermaid Cruise Lines
4546 E. Ashlan Ave., Suite 3202
Fresno, CA 93726
Office: (555) 555-1212
Fax: (555) 555-1234
Ineligible Requests
Areas Not Supported by WestCorp/Mermaid Cruise Lines
Areas Not Supported by WestCorp/Mermaid Cruise Lines
We receive so many request from organizations throughout the world that we had to narrow our
approach to focus on the causes we support. Thank you for being commited to making a difference
in the various capacities in which you serve, including all the areas that we are not able to
reach as a company. We wish you the best of success in achieving your goals, and we stand with
you as we all seek to make our communities better for everyone.
The WestCorp/Mermaid Cruise Lines giving program supports only 501(c)3 organizations. At this time, we do not support the following:
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The WestCorp/Mermaid Cruise Lines giving program supports only 501(c)3 organizations. At this time, we do not support the following:
- Health & Human Services, including Medical Clinics, Aid & Assistance Programs, Helping Termanally Ill Individuals, Physical & Mental Therapy local United Ways (we partner locally with several United Ways in certain cities) Specific Disease Intervention/Prevention/Research.
- Individual participation in events or fundraisers, such as walk-a-thons, scout projects, beauty pageants, etc.
- Political or religious groups or causes, unless it is a program sponsored by such an organization that benfits the community at large.
- Donations to benefit an individual or family, either directly or through a fundraiser on their behalf. This includes medical procedures and Memorial funds.
- Recreational activites, such as camps, sports leagues, bowling, carnivals, proms, and graduation night.
- Educational loans, recognition programs and individual opportunities for students and/or teachers, including sponsorship of student ambassador programs, continuing education seminars, teacher attendance recognition, etc.
- Animal welfare organizations or causes.
- Arts and culture, including museums, bands, plays, ballet, orchestras and art galleries.
- Transportation to and from events, seminars or for cultural and foreign travel excursions.
- Professional associations, including conferences, fundraisers and membership.
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