Our Waste and Water Purification Systems
All of WestCorp & Mermaid Cruise Lines cruise vessels are installed with advanced
wastewater purification (AWP) systems. These technologically advanced systems clean the
wastewater generated onboard our ships. At the end of the cleaning process, the wastewater
is so clean that it far exceeds all ship wastewater discharge standards in the world!
WestCorp & Mermaid Cruise Lines' commitment to advanced wastewater purification systems is an example of our companys policy of continual environmental improvement.
Over the next several years, each of our ships systems will be reviewed and re-equipped with only the best and most advanced AWP systems. This represents a total investment of well over $100 million for our company.
Every ship in our fleet has been installed with the new systems before it leaves the dry dock. Each additional new ship will be delivered with AWP systems already installed.
Typically, it takes approximately four to five months to manufacture a system and four months to install one onboard. Then it takes approximately two months to commission the system, which includes a sampling period to ensure the systems performance meets standards comparable to those set by the State of Alaska (regardless of where the ship is operating.)
Below, you will find a list of the types of AWP systems currently equipped on our ships.
Due to the highly technical and experimental nature of AWP systems, installation and completion timeframes are subject to change, based on the availability of AWP systems, installation processes and commissioning procedures. Further below, you will find a list of the two advanced wastewater purification systems we use, along with brief explanations of how they work and a diagram of each system.
Queen Davia of the Ocean Scanship
Princess Estevia of the Ocean Hydroxyl
Princess Theresa of the Ocean Scanship
Princess Linda of the Ocean Scanship
Good Ship Lollipop Scanship
Ships Launching in Summer - 2008:
Ocean Adventurer Scanship
Ocean Brilliance Hydroxyl
Ocean Enchantment Hydroxyl
Jewel of the Ocean Hydroxyl
Legend of the Ocean Scanship
Ocean Majesty Scanship
Ocean Mariner Scanship
Ocean Monarch Scanship
Ships Launching in 2009:
Ocean Navigator Scanship
Ocean Radiance Hydroxyl
Ocean Rhapsody Scanship
Ocean Splendour Scanship
Ocean Voyager Scanship
Sea Empress Scanship
Sea Explorer Scanship
We have two types of advanced wastewater purification systems on our ships, the Scanship and the Hydroxyl systems. Both use a similar process and are based on biological treatment. These systems use beneficial bacterial to consume waste particles, similar to a land-based wastewater treatment facility.
WestCorp & Mermaid Cruise Lines' commitment to advanced wastewater purification systems is an example of our companys policy of continual environmental improvement.
Over the next several years, each of our ships systems will be reviewed and re-equipped with only the best and most advanced AWP systems. This represents a total investment of well over $100 million for our company.
Every ship in our fleet has been installed with the new systems before it leaves the dry dock. Each additional new ship will be delivered with AWP systems already installed.
Typically, it takes approximately four to five months to manufacture a system and four months to install one onboard. Then it takes approximately two months to commission the system, which includes a sampling period to ensure the systems performance meets standards comparable to those set by the State of Alaska (regardless of where the ship is operating.)
Below, you will find a list of the types of AWP systems currently equipped on our ships.
Due to the highly technical and experimental nature of AWP systems, installation and completion timeframes are subject to change, based on the availability of AWP systems, installation processes and commissioning procedures. Further below, you will find a list of the two advanced wastewater purification systems we use, along with brief explanations of how they work and a diagram of each system.
Queen Davia of the Ocean Scanship
Princess Estevia of the Ocean Hydroxyl
Princess Theresa of the Ocean Scanship
Princess Linda of the Ocean Scanship
Good Ship Lollipop Scanship
Ships Launching in Summer - 2008:
Ocean Adventurer Scanship
Ocean Brilliance Hydroxyl
Ocean Enchantment Hydroxyl
Jewel of the Ocean Hydroxyl
Legend of the Ocean Scanship
Ocean Majesty Scanship
Ocean Mariner Scanship
Ocean Monarch Scanship
Ships Launching in 2009:
Ocean Navigator Scanship
Ocean Radiance Hydroxyl
Ocean Rhapsody Scanship
Ocean Splendour Scanship
Ocean Voyager Scanship
Sea Empress Scanship
Sea Explorer Scanship
We have two types of advanced wastewater purification systems on our ships, the Scanship and the Hydroxyl systems. Both use a similar process and are based on biological treatment. These systems use beneficial bacterial to consume waste particles, similar to a land-based wastewater treatment facility.
How it works:
Updated 10/15/2007
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- Coarse mechanical screens remove wastewater solids, such as plastics, before they enter the treatment system.
- The biological reactor uses a fixed-film media, which looks like small plastic gears or wheels, which give beneficial bacteria a surface on which to attach themselves to aid in breaking down any solids.
- From the biological reactor, the water and any tiny solids are pumped to machines that mechanically and chemically remove the remaining solids from the water.
- The resulting very clean water is then pumped through polishing filters.
- Next, an ultraviolet light reactor provides the final disinfection.
- The solids that remain from this entire process are pumped to a holding tank for subsequent drying and incineration, or for disposal at an approved land-based facility.
Updated 10/15/2007
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