The view isn't the only beauty you'll experience on a Mermaid Cruise. Our ship photographers
are always looking for a great shot and we are strong supporters of the arts, with our large
collection displayed throughout our fleet. If you're looking to add to your collection, visit
our photo or art gallery, or attend one of our art auctions held right on board.
Whether it's a candid photo or a collector's piece of artwork, a picture really does say a
thousand words.
Photo Gallery
See all of the great shots our ship photographers have caught on film. They're snapping
pictures from the moment you step on board, during formal nights, at onboard parties,
activities and more. Come in just to browse or purchase a memorable vacation photo.
Art Auction
If you're an art collector, you won't want to miss our lively art auctions featuring works
by Picasso, Rembrandt, Chagall, Renoir, Dali, Peter Max, Tarkay and many more. Get there
early or come to the Art Auction Sneak Preview to see what'll be up for bid during your
Art Collection
Visit the onboard art gallery, or simply tour the ship to see the art we display throughout
our fleet. Mermaid Cruise ships are home to many famous pieces of original art. A few of
our more notable works include:
Angel in Flight: White marble relief by Helaine Blumenfled, an American. Displayed on The Princess Linda of the Ocean.
Main Austrian Stage Curtain: Fabric and mixed media designed by Linda Carmichael Rose, an American. Fabricated by Paramount Parks, U.S.A. Displayed on the Princess Theresa of the Ocean.
Canticle to a Blue Planet: Sculpture in painted metal and wood by Jonathan and Evelyn Clowes, Americans. Displayed on The Good Ship Lollipop.
Chinese Courtier: Mural by Parish Wilbraham of Great Britain. Displayed on Queen Davia of the Ocean
Totem Pole: Carved by world-renowned artist Nathan Jackson, an American. Displayed on The Princess Estevia of the Ocean.
Angel in Flight: White marble relief by Helaine Blumenfled, an American. Displayed on The Princess Linda of the Ocean.
Main Austrian Stage Curtain: Fabric and mixed media designed by Linda Carmichael Rose, an American. Fabricated by Paramount Parks, U.S.A. Displayed on the Princess Theresa of the Ocean.
Canticle to a Blue Planet: Sculpture in painted metal and wood by Jonathan and Evelyn Clowes, Americans. Displayed on The Good Ship Lollipop.
Chinese Courtier: Mural by Parish Wilbraham of Great Britain. Displayed on Queen Davia of the Ocean
Totem Pole: Carved by world-renowned artist Nathan Jackson, an American. Displayed on The Princess Estevia of the Ocean.