Unless otherwise expressly noted, all materials, including images, illustrations, designs, icons, and photographs appearing
anywhere on a WestCorp, Mermaid Cruise Lines' (collectively the "Company") Internet sites are protected by worldwide
copyright laws and treaty provisions. (All such Internet websites shall be referred to as "Company websites.") The copyright
on such materials is held by the original creator of the materials. None of the materials may be copied, reproduced, displayed,
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Linking Policy section or with WestCorp or Mermaid Cruise Lines' prior written permission. All rights not expressly granted
herein are reserved. Any unauthorized use of the materials appearing on Company websites may violate copyright, trademark
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U.S. Government Rights: United States Government license rights in the materials appearing on Company websites are limited
to those certain mandatory rights and all other applicable laws and regulations. All other use is prohibited without the prior
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Government constitutes acknowledgment and acceptance of the Company's proprietary rights in the materials.

All material contained herein is for the sole purpose of creating a student website project, and is not intended to be construed as a
valid cruise lines. This Website and all related webpages were created as a website design class project. All rights reserved.