How could a laborer who chiseled rocks and cut wood forgive sins, heal the sick and raise the dead? Who was this first-century carpenter who changed the whole course of history—of eternity? As he trudged the dusty paths of Israel, he was worshiped as God; as he performed signs that revealed his divinity, he was executed as a traitor.

Bethlehem Church

Church of the Nativity

Nativity Site where the manger was.

Nativity Birth Area.


Rachel's Tomb

Rachel's Tomb today.
Examples of what you will learn...
Bethlehem Church. This building is the oldest standing church in the Holy Land.
Originally built by Constantine's mother in the 4th century, Emperor Justinian rebuilt
the current structure in the 530s. It was apparently spared destruction from the Persians
in 614 A.D. because the invaders saw the depictions of the Magi on the walls.
Local Muslim-Christian friendship is believed to be why the church was not
destroyed during al-Hakim's rule in 1009.