Moses went up from the plains of Moab to Mount Nebo. Moses' was buried on this mountain by God himself.

Overlooking The Promised Land. Moses view of the promised land that God gave to the Hebrews.

Dedication to Moses. The top of Pisgah, which is opposite Jericho." (Deuteronomy 34:1).

A cross stands on the top depicting Jesus on the cross and the snake that Moses lifted up in the desert.

Sea Of Galilee

Mile Stones on Mount Nebo

Petra on the slope of Mt. Hor

Tomb Of Kings

Mount Tabor: Site of The Transfiguration

Church in Capernaum. Home of the Apostles. Peter, Andrew, James,
John and Matthew.


Mount of Beatitudes. New laws given by Jesus.

Dead Sea. God Turns Lots wife into a pillar of salt.

Caesarea Harbor southern base of Mount Hermon (Matthew 16:13; Mark 8:27).

Theater in Caesarea

Waterfall going into the Jordan

Mosaic in Church of Loaves and Fish.

Jesus revealed to them his purpose, build his Church...

...go to Jerusalem to die and to be resurrected(Matthew 16:18-21).

"You are Rock!" "And on this Rock, I will build my church."

Renew your baptism where John the Baptist baptized Jesus.

Floating on the Dead Sea—a once in a lifetime experience!

Near Qumran Caves, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered and take a mud bath.